Thursday, September 8, 2016

Aldi Little Journey Vox Box Review

So a few weeks ago I was informed by Influenster that I would received my first vox box to review an assortment of baby products from ALDI - more specifially their Little Journey Products.  On Labor Day weekend our box finally arrived!!

And it was like christmas morning for this one!  The box contained everything from diapers, wipes, body wash to an assortment of snacks!

(Pretty generous spread if I do say so myself!)

We first tested the diapers.  The size three they included unfortunately did not fit speck HOWEVER they generously provided TWO sizes!  Score!  So we tried the size 4 diapers along with their wipes.  Both products immediately reminded me of the Target up & up branded diapers and wipes!  

The weekend Speck didn't sleep very well so she consequently did not eat/drink very well either so she didn't pee very much!  So we can't comment on whether or not the product leaks.  However, the performance was very similar to that of the Target up & up branded diapers and wipes.

We also tried out the new body wash.  

This product is definately more heavily scented than the brand we currently use but overall I'm not picky about body wash and this seemed effective enough.  The formula was gentle enough not to cause any problems to Speck's skin.  I even took the liberty to try the body wash myself and it even left my skin feeling soft and hydrated.

I don't typically give speck any Snacks so we have yet to try any of those...All in all if you are a fan of Target up & up products I truly feel these products are very much comparable to Target!

I received my ALDI Little Journey products complimentary from Influesnter and am entering the Brand Challene for a chance to win a prize!


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